PATRIOTS IN TUNE Show #349: SKETCH DANGER #TootsdayMusicSpotlight 4/20/2021

3 years ago

PATRIOTS IN TUNE Show #349: SKETCH DANGER #TootsdayMusicSpotlight 4/20/2021

SUBSCRIBE! Tune in 2 “In Tune" Tuesday night for Mighty #MAGAMusic Spotlight on @PatriotsInTune.Where new talent is showcased and the spotlight always shines on Pro Patria artists all across America.

Hosted by Toots Sweet & the lovely Jewels Jones aka “Dee Jay Double Jay”. Tonight’s special guest: SKETCH DANGER

Sketch Danger on YouTube:

Opening Song: "CON MAN - AMERICAN FIRST" (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) by The Cult of a Con/Con Man:

Halftime Song: "LEAVING NEW YORK CITY - AMBROSE - 2020" by Zak Ambrose of Ambrose Music:

Patriots In Tune is a LIVE broadcast/talkshow where politics music ~&~ laughter collide!!

***Disclaimer: The opinions and views of our guests DO NOT necessarily reflect the opinions and views of the "Patriots In Tune" channel.

Patriots In Tune channel hosted by Toots Sweet and the lovely Jewels Jones.

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 7:00​pm-9:00pm ET and
Catturd Wednesdays from 12:00​pm ET - 2:00pm ET

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