Rake Brush for painting fur - Review & Demo - Lachri

3 years ago

I found a new brand of rake brush for painting fur and feathers! Is this specific brush any good? I'm also doing a lesson for beginners on how to best use a rake brush to create realistic fur and feathers in your acrylic and oil paintings!

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Supplies used: (amazon affiliate links)
I am sponsored by Fredrix canvas. The canvas in this video was supplied to me by them.
For the rake brushes, the KingArt set includes the same 1/8 size that the silver brush is. You don't really need both if you get the set of three KingArt.
★ KingArt PREMIUM Original Gold 9520 Series Art Set https://amzn.to/3bYRUTu
★ Silver Brush Limited - Ruby Satin Filbert Grass Comb Size 1/8 Inch https://amzn.to/3biYjtA
★ Fredrix canvas pad (sponsored) https://amzn.to/3rgRnm4
★ Liquitex Basics Acrylic Paints http://amzn.to/2qjrVgU
★ Water Well (to clean the brushes) http://amzn.to/2oTlnU7
★ Clamp light for my easel http://amzn.to/2CSYyHr

★★ For more of the supplies I use, including the paint brushes and the airbrush, head to my supply list here https://lachri.com/acrylic-painting-supplies/

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