April 18th - Deep State Plan > Border Crisis - Check, Mass Shootings - Check, Racial Tension - Check

3 years ago

Tonight we will talk how the Deep State Plan to destroy America is unfolding and is close to their end game. The Crisis at the border is getting worse day by day. Mass shootings are once again hitting at full speed as the Deep State #CommuRats attempt to disarm law abiding American citizens so that we are unable to stop their plan to bring America into a One World Government controlled by them. Riot Season is here and the Deep State is going to use it, along with the acquittal of Derek Chauvin along with the recent and the planned to happen killing of more thugs by Police trying to do their jobs. Add in the fact that the forensic audits are taking place and I predict will show that Patriots were right all along and the #CommuRats will use that to file the flames of the riots even futher. I also predict a much larger False Flag event to take place over the next few weeks, possibly in American and will probably be tied, like everything else the Deep State has tried, to Russia.

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