Did You Say Funder Mental?

3 years ago


The Arlington Public School Board and the County of Arlington is majority Caucasian, but the plurality of kids in the classrooms of the Arlington Public Schools, believe it or not, are actually kids of color, most of whom are on the low end of an achievement gap, Last year was the election year for the token Latina seat on the Arlington Public School Board, and even the last incumbent finally got tired, of course after first securing a promotion from legal secretary to public policy specialist, that there may be more to life than being an "elected" official.

The 2021 election is for the token African American seat lost by two term Democrat James Lander, who's conscience found him opposing the board so many times that he was defeated by Monique O'Grady, the poster child for the renaming of Washington-Lee High School, APS parent and 19 year volunteer on school committees. But, capping off her tenure with a chance to be the chairperson, and after immediately receiving a promotion from her former job with AARP in public relations to head over to the Pew Research Center, even Monique O'Grady, who let her kid drop out of a good college to pursue her dreams of an acting career has finally had enough, and now colorblind Arlington Democrats have found two new women seeking the nomination, the front runner, a Caucasian former teacher, turned education consultant who is all about inclusion, Mary Kadera, and Miranda Turner, who claims to have been fighting every minute to get kids back in for in-person instruction, and promising accountability. But not even one knows anything about an unprecedented, once in a lifetime pandemic that even has found, apparently, scientists baffled, including the scientists at the Oxford University and the Center for Evidence Based Medicine who actually penned a manifesto of neutrality on March 28, 2020, stating that politicians and media are not making any sense; so, they were just going to retreat to the safety of academia until the revolution was over.

So, Joe Biden says that Americans really want the truth; so, in this town where everyone says they love Kamala, voted for Obama, has a hate has no home here or Black Lives Matter sign in his front yard, and every church has a rainbow flag, I figure, like at the beginning of the pandemic, found every progressive blowing off basic epidemiology of tracer contacts, as the grandson of a franchise martyr, former biological warfare planner and alumnus of the most competitive college in this state, I am gonna demand "more tests." #StayAtHome

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