Ammon Bundy: Standoff or Showdown - American Dissonance – 2021-04-12 –

3 years ago

The War in the West & The Bundy Ranch 7 years later.
What we saw on April 12, 2014, was, even if a tactical move on the part of the government, a major historical victory for our Constitutional rights from state sovereignty to the Second Amendment to the First Amendment to the Tenth Amendment, and more. It was a peaceful victory heard ’round the world without a shot fired, by We The People against the behemoth federal government. The sight of heavily armed paramilitary BLM “troops” backing away from the crowd of cowboys, families, and legally-armed militia was an image that will remain in the American consciousness for generations to come. Of course the mainstream media has done their best to play down the importance and memory of it, and continue to skew and paint us as extremists and racists and in Harry Reid’s words, “domestic terrorists”.
United States v. Bundy, Case No. 2:16​-cr-00046-GMN-PAL (D. Nev. Dec. 30, 2016)
The Bundy Ranch Standoff and Trial Report by Vincent Easley II
“The Battle of Bunkerville” was the Stand-Off in the Spring of 2014 headed by the
U.S. Department of the Interior's BLM (Bureau of Land Management) along the Virgin River in Southern Nevada.
On the other-side, were several hundred Americans Standing in the Gap in a Peaceful Pushback as both a protective buffer for the Bundy family, and to protest the government’s roundup and attempted confiscation of several hundred head of Bundy cattle.
History and Current Events. Live-Stream, Video and Radio Broadcasts. I reported from the ranch in 2014 and in 2017/18 at the federal trial in Las Vegas continuing the coverage, and as a witness (#303​) for the defense.
Everyone Has a Point, Even if You Don’t Get It.

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Swivel Disobedience: “All that we do is done with an eye to something else.” The Masked Möbius Strip of Arrest.
In God’s Image: Hitting Pieces. C. S. Lewis – Three Kinds of Men
A fact finding mission for a just war (in progress).
“We are trading one form of slavery for another.” – Cliven Bundy

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