#010 Issues of the Heart - 86 Seconds Video Devotional - Gary Wilkerson

3 years ago

The Bible tells us that out of the heart flow the issues of life. What are the issues of life, what are these issues that flow out of our heart?

Well, they can come from two sources. I have a bit of a list here, resentment, bitterness, being withdrawn from people, blaming others, living a life of shame, fear, addictions, neediness, demandingness, living a life out of scarcity or something else can flow out of your heart, love, grace, life, contentment, peace, joy, generosity and abundance. It's a choice we have to make: what kind of life we're going to live? What's going to come out of our heart?

What comes out of our heart comes from who is in our heart and if Jesus lives in your heart, you're going to find some new things coming out of your life. If you see some of these older things coming out of your life, resentment and bitterness, then it's important we take the time to say, "God, I want that to be removed."

Oftentimes we're praying, "Lord, remove lust and anger and greed," but we're not talking about some of these other issues of shame and fear, that those things would not issue from our heart, they would not come out of our heart and not be a part of our heart any longer. This is the transformation that Jesus promises to us. This is the abundant life that he talks about.

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