#007 Losing Your First Love - 86 Seconds Video Devotional - Gary Wilkerson

3 years ago

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find it far too easy to do something that the scripture admonishes us to avoid and that's losing your first love. The things that stir those negative responses in my heart, why I might tend to lose my first love, is number one: getting distracted by the cares of this world as Jesus called them. They become more important to me sometimes. Priorities crush the, the main priority of seeking his kingdom first. And I just lose track. I lose thought. And so, I want to be challenged and want to challenge you today to keep that first love.

I'd say the second thing that causes me to lose first love is, it’s very sad, sometimes having an offense at Jesus. We read of his promises, we read of his plan for our life, and sometimes it doesn't seem to be happening. We seem to think that he's kind of a passed us by. Truth is he hasn't passed us by, he's working in a heart.

If you're having troubles today, trials, tribulations, those aren't things, those aren't signs of God rejecting or neglecting you. Those are signs of his care for you because he's training you to be patient and that patience has a perfect work that it does in our lives. Don't get discouraged today. Don’t get angry at God if things aren't seemingly going your way because he's for you and not against you. Therefore, he can keep you from getting distracted or losing that first love that he wants you to live and that you want to live as well.

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