The Left Has Abandoned Civility Society, Narrative Over Facts With Salem Witch Trial Rules.

3 years ago

The left has abandoned civil society and resorts to mob rule constantly threatening violence if they don't get what they want. Terrorism has replaced debating ideas. Worse is that the left is using the tactics of the Salem Witch Trials. The left makes an accusation, if you claim to be innocent, it's further proof of your guilt. Guilt or innocence. doesn't matter what the evidence says, once you're accused by the left, you're dammed no matter what.

We see this with the case of George Floyd. It doesn't matter to the left that Floyd died of a drug overdose to the left, they have a narrative and they are threatening violence (likely even against the jurors) if they don't get a guilty verdict. That's not justice.

The left is turning the schools into indoctrination camps while abandoning education seeks to reinforce leftist ideology by punishing students with bad grades if they disagree with the left. Even worse is that leftist students are bullying Conservative students. What the schools have done is taught young students that violence, harassment, and false accusations is the key to getting what you want in life. No society can survive that mentality.

With the left having started the trend of creating sanctuary cities and states to nullify federal immigration laws, it's now the conservative's turn as the state of NE is declaring itself a sanctuary state for the 2nd Amendment. Unlike the left, when the right creates a sanctuary that will nullify a federal law, it's done so in defense of the constitution.

The left is all in on court-packing and their arguments lack truth or any sense of reality. Democrats are claiming that court-packing is to depoliticize the courts and claim the GOP made the Supreme Court Political. As always the Democrat's narrative is a lie.

The Democrats politicized the courts, especially the Supreme Court decades ago now. Claimed every conservative Judge was a threat to civil liberties to falsely accusing them of sexual assault. The Democrats can't explain of engaging in purely partisan maneuvers to pack to courts with left-wing activists will depoliticize the courts.

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