Want To Know Their Secret? Just Read Between The Lies!

3 years ago

By: Shaking My Head Productions 2 On Youtube

Freemasons. The LIES!

I'm so horrified that anyone joins this "fraternity" and stays when the threats re chopping body parts and death occur in the pathetic, vile, satanic rituals.

But yes, emotional blackmail affects the weak I guess.

Read the comments on the video.

Usually mine are deleted but this one is still up.

Not seen this yet but yes, the Masons are scum who do black magick, worship Lucifer, and sodomise, rape, torture & kill babies, children, adults & animals as well as fucking DEAD bodies in the rituals! 😳

Whilst pretending to be decent folks.

Lower, gullible Masons are lied to.

Never forget that the demonic hag, Lizbeth who WAS Queen, (Look up “Queen told to renounce royal title) are part of this HOLOCAUST as well as DEPOPULATION! 😳

Thru ignorance please do NOT lump Superman Trump in with these freaks! See my channel re Q rescuing children from DUMBS! And President Trump etc ERADICATING DEBT!! 💰💰💰

He & the Military Alliance are SAVING 🌏💜👽💜



I have to be careful of what words I use, in the tag section, for obvious reasons. So I'm sorry they're not more accurate.

See my WeGoSocial and Pinterest for a comment by Lisa Smith on this video that Boobtube DELETED re her Masonic husbands taking out life insurance and trying to kill her!

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