Back Draft: We Don't Need No Water

3 years ago

It was the publisher of the Washington Post who first said that the job of the press is to write the first rough draft of history, a phrase often repeated since, but, if you ever did graduate work, you know that a newspaper article is not exactly a primary source. It is like the Cliff Notes for that Shakespeare play you were supposed to actually read in high school. But try reading a legal brief by Mark Herring in any litigation on the lockdown: news article after news article and not one iota of science, representing the nation's only physician serving as a state governor, as if he did not know that not just Geraldo Rivera sometimes, maybe most times, gets the story wrong.

We are over one year into a pandemic pathogen, and even scientists do not know the infectious dose, a priority metric scientists have been determining early since the 1870s, and you need that to determine if a pathogen is "highly contagious" or to develop a vaccine that will prevent you from being infected.

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