Guitar Rote Exercises - Long Slides - Gliss - Lateral Finger Strength And Control

3 years ago

In this exercise, we gently slide our finger up and down the string, to get a feel for that motion.

The guitar is a member of the Glissandro family of musical instruments, which are instruments that change their sound by sliding up and down a string,

Therefore, the slide, or gliss, is one of the most fundamental of all maneuvers on the guitar,

Meaning that it *should be more common to slide up half a step, than it would be to hammer-on up a half step,

But the way we teach guitar, and learn guitar, is not based on this fundamental sound of the instrument,

We are taught to think of a chord or a scale as having defined points on a string, and so our minds start thinking that way,

But what we should be doing, is more gliss exercises, more slide exercises,

To start training our ear, not to expect a single note at a certain time, but rather to expect to hear a gliss that covers an interval of a few half steps, over a short span of time.

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