Thirteen Days of Preparation

3 years ago

Thirteen Days of Preparation

The occultist calendar from March to May
their “Season of Sacrifice” goes an evil way

False flags occurring, illusions aplenty
these demons do not contrive very gently

Sacrifice humans, children’s blood being poured
ode to baal, moloch, the dark under lord

Remember Waco and Columbine for sure
it’s during this time, these events did occur

Canaanite ritual to gain them more wealth
beauty or power or perfect health

The lives of mankind, insignificantly matters
the path of destruction leaves the earth in tatters

Humans are burned whilst they chant and dance
with knives cut themselves for their power to enhance

Beltane ends thereabouts, most of these dark deeds
only their agenda above all supersedes

Please be awake and be very wary
evil expounds in the sins that they carry

Trauma and stress, anguish, sheer terror
these are required without any error

Hidden in plain sight is their preferential way
now that we know, what is left to say

You’re wide awake now, so take back your power
expose them all, and from the heavens they will cower

Thirteen days of their sinister preparation
shall be an eternity to pay back, their time of reparation

Patriotic Poet

Season of Sacrifice

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