A Spiritual War April 18, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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A Spiritual War April 18, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

So now we know what we are up against: a war of the spirit, with The Spirit of Truth arrayed against The Spirit of Untruth, the actual pitted against the fictional.
Time and again, we are told in ancient scriptures, that Our Father is a spirit, just as the Holy Spirit is a spirit. We can't normally see a spirit. They come and go like the wind--- unseen, but present.
Confirmation of this is seen throughout the Bible, both in the sayings attributed to God the Father throughout the Old Testament, and in the sayings and circumstances of the New Testament, also.
Notice how throughout the Old Testament, God says he will bring some particular army or nation against another to reprove and correct the evil being promoted by the offender?
He pits one nation against another nation to rebuke the offender, not to reward the "sword" in his hand.
Those who cause terror in the Land of the Living go down among those consigned to the pit, but the peacemakers are adopted as the Sons of God.
Read the Book of Ezekiel paying attention to how many times the Living God rebukes nations and uses other nations to physically enforce his will. You will find this same scenario throughout the Bible.
Notice how at the end of the crucifixion, our Beloved Teacher cries out--- "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Only Yahushuah knew he was present and was able to sense his sudden absence.
All of this great battle, this War of the Spirit, occurs in the Unseen Realm-- where the great battles are being fought for your heart and mind and the fate of our species as a whole.
The Spirit of Falsehood is here. The Spirit of Truth is here.
The idol of Ashtoreth is here, the image of the Great Abomination which brings Desolation is standing where it should not stand, in New York Harbor.
We should return it to France and the Freemasons who sent it.
The table is set.
Those who think that it is their business to bring the prophecies to fulfillment are hard at work, trying to get hideous wars started in the Ukraine, in Iran, and in China.
Those who are clueless are stumbling around like sleepwalkers.
And where are you, at this great turning point, where men are called to know the Truth?
Now, more than ever, we need Prayer Warriors and Soldiers of Peace, those who will turn from lies and selfishness and war, and find the narrow path that leads to life----abundant life.
I was asked yesterday what more could be done and what I would have people do and before I could speak, my companion blurted out, "Pray!"
I would add --- pray that we can be forgiven for our ignorance. We were misled about what the "Statue of Liberty" was and what it actually represented. We didn't know that a foreign and profane theocracy was at the heart of the trouble we have been suffering.

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