Ezekial, the Prophet April 16, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Ezekial, the Prophet April 16, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

To all those who are scared and anxious and wondering what to think and what to do: read the Book of Ezekial, the Prophet.
A great many strange things are recorded in the Book of Ezekial, but without a firm grounding in the material contained in this book of the Bible, many other things including our present circumstance, won't make much sense.
Here, you will learn about the reason God gave the Law to Moses --- it was done on purpose to humble men, to prove how little discipline we have, how far short we fall from perfection, how we cannot keep even ten (10) simple commandments, much less the 600-plus mandates of the Mosaic Law.
Indeed, it does demonstrate all of this and more, which is why we need to pay attention to our failure and our limitations. That is the lesson that The Law is intended to teach us, so that we might learn our need to forgive and be forgiven.
The Ten Commandments represent the Public Law, while the rest of the 600-plus rules represent the private law, the "code" and "regulations" an observant Hebrew is obligated to perform. All you have to do is read through this mammoth maze of obligations and you will know that the Law is impossible to fulfill ---- literally.
And you will grasp the importance of one man fulfilling it.
In Ezekial you will finally learn the meaning of the Great Abomination and "the abomination that makes desolate" --- it's the religion of ancient Egypt that the Ten "Lost" Tribes brought with them out of Egypt and all the nasty rites associated with this idolatrous religion: temple prostitution, burnt offerings including babies burned alive, sacred groves, lewd idols, and more.
And the fact that Aleister Crowley was "initiated" by the ancient gods of Egypt and brought them back to life and re-established their rites as part of the Order of the Golden Dawn has more potent meaning to us now, as we realize that the plague of this horrible religion was reborn a century ago--- in our midst.
The gift of a giant idol honoring the pagan goddess Ashtoreth (also known as Isis, Cybel, Astarte, Semiramis, and Columbia--- as in "District of Columbia") from the Freemasons' Grand Lodge of Paris also makes more sense; what passes for the "Statue of Liberty" is actually the personification of the "Abomination that makes desolate" and it is indeed "standing where it should not stand".

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/04/ezekial-prophet.html

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