Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice-Blood Money 6 Apr 15 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 6 --The Military Quandary April 15, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

The military is having trouble discerning who they actually work for --- the Pope, the Queen, the Lord Mayor, or us?
The answer is surprisingly complex, but it all boils down to: they ultimately work for us.
The Queen and Lord Mayor have inserted themselves in the middle and taken control by acting as their Paymaster in our purported "absence", which is why SERCO, Inc., a British Corporation associated with MI6 and the "Senior Executive Service" --- SES, has been cutting their checks.
Please note that the U.S. Territorial Government was never granted any authority to do this, and it has been done under pretext of "emergency powers" that don't exist.
Please also notice that with our appearance and coming into Session, there is no excuse for continued Territorial over-reach and assumption of control of any function not specifically delegated to them under their constitutional agreement.
We have objected to the Queen and Lord Mayor exercising control over our military payroll and have also objected to them assuming free access to our credit for purposes never agreed to, while failing to honor their contractual obligations in other regards --- such as securing our Southern Border, which clearly is their responsibility.
Of course, there is the issue that without fulfilling their obligations, they are not only in Breach of Trust, but in Breach of Commercial Service Contract, which places the default and the cost of all this firmly on them, and which also means that they have to meet the military payroll out of their own funds and show themselves as the brutes and bullies behind "American" aggression and the "US" military the whole time.
Essentially, they have been using our troops and sailors as mercenaries, using our natural resources and land assets to fund their war-mongering for profit, and using a "presumed" custodial interest in our assets to do it.
Now we are back and our actual American Government is in Session, and all of this so-called "mischief" has been unearthed and documented, much to our displeasure.
We doubt very much that the rest of the world will be happy with the prospect of them continuing this same game via the misuse and abuse of the Chinese people as cheap mercenaries.
The discovery of their mis-administration and criminal activities in this country and "on behalf" of this country --- purportedly---- makes their overtures to China to become the world's new policemen for them and their corporations a more apparent clear and present danger to all concerned.

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