Open Canuck Theist 20 - Letter to give all employers

3 years ago

To Whom it May Concern: PCR testing and quarantine
I am representing ____________________ who has full capacity to make medical decisions and is in good
health and has not been exposed to anyone with COVID-19. Please be advised that ______________does
not consent to a PCR test or quarantine directed by Alberta Health Services or any other agent.
_____________ has the right to refuse the medical procedures of PCR testing and quarantine. Specifically,
the right to life, liberty and security of person protects from violations of physiological and psychological
autonomy by denying the right to choose medical procedures on the basis of informed consent. This right
to give express informed consent was developed over 2 centuries of common law and was confirmed by
the Nuremberg Principles and the International Covenant of Human Right for which Canada was a
signatory and is upheld in section 1. the Canadian Bill of Rights. The Canadian Bill of Rights is still valid law
after the Charter came into place which can be confirmed in the preamble of the Emergency Act 1988
which still commits the Federal government to respect the rights in the Canadian Bill of Rights even in the
event of a national emergency.
The Federal Government is in violation of section 2 of the Canadian Bill of Rights if they pass laws, policies
or procedures that deny fundamental rights without an Act of Federal Parliament which indicates expressly
that rights will be denied; As well The Alberta Government is also in violation of section 2 and 3 of the
Alberta Bill of Rights if they pass laws, policies or procedures that deny fundamental rights without an Act
of Provincial Legislature which indicates expressly that rights will be denied. No such Act of Federal
Parliament or Provincial Legislature exists therefore forced medical procedures such as PCR testing,
quarantine and vaccine is unlawful.
___________________ will be returning to work immediately upon your reading of this letter, at
___________________________ or receive a “paid time” quarantine voluntarily for 14 days in his/her
home should you wish to demand for such a precaution, with the understanding that they be allowed to
return to work upon being medically clear of Covid-19 and that no prejudice interfere with said return to
If you have any questions about these instructs please contact me at ____________________
lawyers number
name: ___________________________
sign: ___________________________

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