Lin Wood's QAnon Gesture Sends Audience Wild During Oklahoma Conference

3 years ago

"But God forgave me, for as I've come to believe, God planned it," Wood said. "He plans every detail of your life. He knows how many hairs are on your beautiful head. And he uses your sins and he uses your shortcoming to teach you so that when the time comes that he's ready and you've been learning - watch out for this next move."

"He's going to rebirth you into the spirit world and create exactly the person that he intended you to be," Wood said while drawing a "Q" with his right index finger.

"There's your Q," he said, drawing the letter in the air again. "Q!"

The audience applauded and some began cheering in what quickly turned into a standing ovation for Wood as he made another "Q".

"That is Q," he said. "What that Q mean?"

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