Amanda Grace. NEW Word from the Lord! Apr 16 LIVE in Tulsa.

3 years ago

Amanda received a live word from the Lord during the Tulsa's Health & Freedom Conference!

An excerpt from Amanda's Word from the Lord 9.14.20 pointing to a "major event" in Tulsa:

I the Lord am purging I am going in acleaning out the most offensive infections says the Lord. There shall be a purging of specific cities where the sin slithers through the streets as snakes and it saturates the atmosphere. I the Lord say My Spirit is sweeping in and doing a serious cleaning and disinfecting, you shall see this play out

Watch San Francisco major events, they have opened up portals says the Lord and now I the Lord will begin to shut them

Watch the San Fernando Valley says the Lord

Watch Tulsa Oklahoma a major event says the Lord

For I the Lord God Yahweh am arising, the king of Kings, I am arising and MY enemies shall be scattered! Repent! Turn from your wicked ways! Turn back to ME the Lord your God, SURRENDER before its too late for the clock is ticking!


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