Lago Maggiore

3 years ago


We offer you a somewhat unusual nature photography course. Our main idea is to immerse ourselves totally in the nature that surrounds us and learn to observe, look at everything with new eyes to "learn to see".
It seems trivial but it is not, indeed it is the key to starting this adventure.
Photography as well as video are tools we have at our disposal that allow us to freeze fleeting moments that can be translated into timeless emotions. We all know what it feels like when we accidentally open a drawer and discover an old photo we had forgotten about.
The tool we have at our disposal therefore has a huge potential that we would like to help you develop to the fullest, not only through the mere photographic technique but above all by teaching you to feel what surrounds you and translate it into an emotional image.
It doesn't matter how beautiful an image is but how much an image tells, the images of great photographers excite many people those of beginners few people, we are here to teach you a few tricks that will allow you to be better appreciated by your friends and who knows tomorrow from a wider audience. Photographing is a passion and passion is the fuel that feeds our lives, to grow you have to get involved without preconceptions - it is you ... alone to observe the world through one lens, as many different worlds as your goals are.
It is at this moment that we intervene to find shortcuts and simplifications that will allow you to immortalize those ephemeral worlds.
Always respecting your creativity, of course!
Take our courses.
If you are interested write to us we will let you know our program in detail ... for now only magic

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