TESLA PRICE FORECAST | 2022 thru 2030 | PART 1 (Auto) | TSLA Price Targets / Predictions / Model

3 years ago

Full Price Model and Price Predictions for Tesla (TSLA) end of 2021 through the end of 2030. In part one we will explore Tesla's potential vehicle production and Full Self Driving profits over the coming years. And stay tuned because in Part 2 and 3 things will get even better as we explore Energy and Robotaxi profitability and its impact on stock price.

00:00​​ - Introduction
00:53​ - Tesla Vehicle Production and Growth
04:16​ - Tesla's Vehicle Fleet Size
05:45​ - Tesla's Average Vehicle Selling Price
09:58​ - Tesla's Vehicle Margins
12:00​ - Tesla's Vehicle Revenue and Profit
13:56​ - Tesla's FSD Profit
22:42​ - Tesla's Regulatory Credits
23:42​ - Tesla's TTL Auto Profit and Revenue with FSD (EBITDA)
24:44​ - Tesla's Care Sales vs FSD
27:38​ - Tesla's Auto Profit After Taxes
28:56​ - Tesla's Projected Year-By-Year Stock Price / Target / Prediction | P/E Ratios | ROI

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Equipment I use:
CAMERA | Razer Kiyo Pro Streaming Webcam | https://amzn.to/3fnWOMW
MICROPHONE | Blue Yeti Microphone | https://amzn.to/3d7Ssqy
EDITOR | Davinci Resolve Studio | https://amzn.to/3cqjc6q
ELGATO STREAM DECK MINI | https://amzn.to/2QtdLel


Theme Music Title: Mersenne – Truth in Blending
Artist: Marco Reeves

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