Dr. Richard Fleming's COVID-19 Is A Bioweapon Funded By the US & Chinese Government

3 years ago

Richard M Fleming (PhD, MD, JD) has been a researcher in the fields of Physics and Medicine for 53 years resulting in 185 published papers in peer-reviewed journals, 68 published abstracts at National and International Scientific Conferences, 9 Chapters in Medical Textbooks, 76 published eLetters to Scientific Journals, and Editor-in-Chief of 1 Cardiology Textbook. He has written 26 Medical books designed for both the General Public and Medical Professionals for a total of more than 350 publications.

His work on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 began in January of 2020 and since then he has published 4 research papers on the topic with his findings.


In this presentation, Dr. Richard Fleming discusses the origins of COVID-19 by tracing the history of US & Chinese government funded gain of function research on coronaviruses.

The gain of function research funding can be traced from the US government to Peter Daszak (EcoHealth) to Ralph Baric (UNC) and Shi Zhengli (Wuhan Virology Institute) to produce a gain of function spike protein that ended up in the Wuhan Level 4 Biology Lab.

This presentation is an excerpt from Professor David K. Clements interview with Richard Fleming.


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