Humiliation Rituals in Hollywood

3 years ago

Embarrassment, shame, guilt, and humiliation all imply the existence of value systems. Whereas shame and guilt are primarily the outcome of self-appraisal, embarrassment and humiliation are primarily the outcome of appraisal by one or several others, even if only in thought or imagination.

One critical respect in which humiliation differs from embarrassment is that, whereas we bring embarrassment upon ourselves, humiliation is something that is brought upon us by others.

Tommy confides to his teacher that he has not done his homework. He feels embarrassment. The teacher reveals this to the whole class. Now he feels even greater embarrassment. The teacher makes him sit facing into a corner, provoking the laughter of his classmates. This time, he feels humiliation.

Had the teacher quietly given Tommy an "F" grade, he would have felt not humiliated but offended. Offense is primarily cognitive, to do with clashing beliefs and values, whereas humiliation is much more visceral and existential.

The Latin root of "humiliation" is "humus", which means "earth" or "dirt". Humiliation involves abasement of honour and dignity and, with that, loss of status and standing. We all make certain status claims, however modest they may be, for example, "I am a competent doctor", "I am a happily married mother", or even "I am a human being". When we are merely embarrassed, our status claims are not undermined—or if they are, they are easily recovered. But when we are humiliated, our status claims cannot so easily be recovered because, in this case, our very authority to make status claims has been called into question. People who are in the process of being humiliated are usually left stunned and speechless, and more than that, voiceless. When criticizing people, especially people with low self- esteem, we must take care not to attack their authority to make the status claims that they make. claim have been exposed of Hollywood abusers in the industry. Harvey Weinstein is a recent case as a predator. But several others also confirm this as an industry standard of sexual abuse, homosexuality, Hollywood sex parties, and occult rituals.

Hollywood is a cesspool for predators and acts of homosexuality, sexual perversions, pedophilia, occultism, sexual and ritual abuse, and Satanic rituals.

Protected by the industry, the media, even some governmental agencies, as they are governed by Secret Societies.

High profile predators caught in the industry:

Jimmy Savile found to have a sex den and evidence of Satanic ritual
Jeffrey Epstein found involved with underage girls and prostitution
Harvey Weinstein accused of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and pedophilia
Hollywood brings a chosen one into the industry, promises prestige and fame. Then once brought into the loop, into their network, they are exploited.

The industry is surrounded by predators: producers, agents, managers, executives, and other sharks preying on the victims brought in. Captured into their lifestyle, bribed, threatened, and promised wealth and fame to continue the facade.

Many occult organizations are involved, the OTO, the Illuminati, Freemasons. Initiations are conducted with contracts, and sometimes a sacrifice is demanded to prove loyalty.

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