The Vision. About 12 minutes length. A message to authorities

3 years ago

The Vision
It was an open skyline. There was a thin layer of cloud hovering above the earth: clear sky below, clear sky above. I had a sense this was covering the whole earth. I don’t recall seeing a sky quite like that before. The thin cloud layer seemed uniform and purposeful. This was the vision.

Then I waited..... for an interpretation. Every vision has one. When it came I was astounded by the weight of it. ‘God is angry!’ As clear in my spirit as an audible voice to my ears. That was the message. ‘God is angry!’
Feeling like a spectator, I continued to wait. Then it came. The anger had to do with the covid/wuhan chaos. I prayed and waited for more details wanted to know specifically with whom was God angry and why, and what was I do do about it? Everything has a reason and purpose. He showed it to me for a reason.

Part of the answer came rising slowly in my spirit, revealed like something coming out of a mist.
God is angry with the people responsible for covidphobia1,; with those who rejected truth and embraced fear and lies, with those who deliberately criminalized dissenting voices, with those who intimidated vulnerable people, with those who abused their power and authority, and with those who rejected repurposed treatments that could have saved thousands of lives and still could.
Waiting on God, I was feeling the weight of this for about a week and a half. It was uncomfortable to my spirit. I felt like a dark cloud was hovering over me.
Then one day as I was pondering it, again, rising up in my spirit like a mist came the word, ‘Murder’. I saw the skyline again and sensed murder to be intimately connected with covidphobia. Intellectually I already knew that and had heard it said, but hearing it from the Spirit of God was huge.

I continued waiting, thinking about God being angry. What was he going to do? I was wanting some kind of confirmation about this heavy word, not having received anything quite of this magnitude before. A week or so later I saw R.T. Kendall on Daystar TV. I almost couldn’t believe it when he answered the question, ‘Is America being judged?’ He replied, “It certainly is. We may not like it but God is angry. I don't have the vocabulary to tell you how angry God is........” I got a check in my spirit, this was my confirmation. Mr Kendall was talking specifically about America but I knew the vision was more than that. “35:04 We're living in a day where people don't even believe in the wrath of God. I'm telling you now God is angry and you're getting just a taste of it, the judgment. The judgment is because there is an angry God but he's a loving God and He's trying to get our attention and it's a wonderful thing.”

My journey of waiting continued when a week or so later I went to Grace Life Church website (the church in Alberta, Canada under ‘real’ lock-down, with two fences erected around it by police) and read their PUBLIC STATEMENT. So enlightening, informative and true! Digging in deeper I read the part about “Directing Government to its Duty-Romans 13:1-4. Pastor James Coates declared in his sermon, “9:19 The government needs to be informed of its God-ordained purpose and if we the church don't inform them who will......32:16 The government is a God-ordained institution put in place to ensure law and order and to protect these God-given rights....41:00 ... it isn't the government's responsibility to protect us from a virus. What's their responsibility is to protect our God-given rights.”

After more prayerful consideration I concluded that God is angry at governments and authorities guilty of covidphobia. They are guilty of murder, and someone needs to tell them.

As I was praying about how to convey this message, a word from Kenneth Copeland resonated with me, “When sin is full, judgment has to come.”2 I recalled a scripture verse talking about ‘cup of iniquity getting full’, and wondered how close to the top it now was. It must be close I reasoned. God is compassionate and when children and babies are harmed, that will enrage Him even more. I’ve read three stories of pregnant women getting a ‘vaccine’ for covid. They miscarried within the week.
One story, whose photo I cannot get out of my mind, was of a nursing mother. She got a ‘vaccine’ on a Wednesday and continued breastfeeding her healthy baby. The next day he had red blotches all over his body (the photo I saw) and was not doing well. The baby continued to decline and was taken to emergency and diagnosed with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and elevated liver enzymes. He died Friday. My spirit was grieved for several days after learning this. I can’t even image what Creator is experiencing. His creation suffering and dying needlessly. This feels like abortion outside the womb.

This is an open message to all people responsible* for what I will call the catastrophe of covidphobia,
‘You are guilty of murder’ and by implication, lesser offences. You are charged before the courts of heaven.’
You have a window of time to repent. I don’t know how long that is but I wouldn't wait if I were you. I don’t know what form the judgment will take but it will be severe.
I just got a text reminding me that the WHO is being charged with crimes against humanity. Might have already started.
Also, for those who reject this message and do not repent, I shake the dust off my feet at you.

*This includes but not limited to; governments of all levels, media, big pharma, hollywood churches/places of faith, law enforcement, medical personnel,.... fill in the rest.


2 Believers Voice of Victory, 04/06/2021, We've Never Been This Way Before | R.T. Kendall , Grace Life Church, FULL SERMON-Directing Government to its Duty - Romans 13:1-4, (Feb 14, 2021) PUBLIC STATEMENT Grace Life Church
Genesis 15:16, I Thessalonians 2:16, Revelation 14:9,10, Matthew 10:11-15

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