The David Knight Show 16Apr2021 - Full Show

3 years ago

INTERVIEW: Ammon Bundy -

CEO of Pfizer now dictates we will get his jab annually

KY Gov — lockdown until virtually EVERYONE vaccinated

Fauci’s Gain of Function experiments getting attention in mainstream as NIH moves to man-monkey transhumanism experiments

Jordan & Scalise scold Fauci — avoiding THE issue

Small church, meeting outdoors, pastors arrested in Finland

2nd country bans AstraZeneca

3:34 Fauci NIH “Nazi” Institute of Health: From Bioweapons to Transhumanism

28:59 After Arkansas legislature overrides Gov Hutchinson (R) to stop sexual mutilation and puberty blocking of minors, Alabama offers similar legislation

39:14 $BILLION per Mile? And They Want to Tax Us by the Mile? NONE of this is about transportation or saving the environment — it’s about control & surveillance

1:02:32 Pelosi says we need more judges because we have more people? THAT is an argument for packing the House — going back to the Constitution to have 1 Congressional representative for every 50,000 people (that would give us 6,600)

1:30:13 Jim Jordan begs Fauci for liberty while agreeing with him on the pandemic. All sound and fury signifying nothing

1:54:33 WYMT reports Kentucky Gov Beshear says lockdown until 98% vaccinated (no more than 50,000 out of 2.5 Million)

2:02:40 INTERVIEW: Ammon Bundy, Martial Law, Jury Trials Suspended in Republican Idaho

2:05:42 How the Federal govt BOUGHT the lockdown & pandemic with BILLIONS given directly to governors as the Idaho governor’s written decree explains

2:36:25 ObamaCare on Steroids: CEO Tells You When & What Jabs You MUST Have

2:47:23 NPR Tries to Demonize and Demonetize An0maly — How dare a hip hop artist get more traction telling the truth than the Coincidence Theorists!

2:59:22 Blood on Their Hands: 21 Yr Old Dies, 43 Yr Old Father of 7 Paralyzed

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