繪本故事 Story Book :鴨子農夫 FARMER DUCK

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主題 Topic –鴨子農夫 FARMER DUCK

美國童書繪本《Farmer Duck 鴨子農夫》被美國紐約公共圖書館評為「每個人都應該知道的100本圖書」之一,作者Martin Waddell獲得國際安徒生圖畫書大獎,本書是他的代表作品之一。 故事的主人公是一隻鴨子,他很不幸地和一個懶惰的農夫生活在一起。農夫什麼也不幹,成天賴在床上吃吃喝喝,他吆喝著鴨子去做農場裡所有的活兒。不管天晴還是颳風下雨,可憐的鴨子辛勤地勞動和伺候農夫,每天都疲累不堪,越來越崩潰。終於有一天,農場裡其它動物忍受不了鴨子的遭遇,他們推翻了農夫的床,並把他趕出了農場,讓快樂重新回到了農場。

Farmer Duck is no ordinary duck. He cooks and cleans, tends the fields, and cares for the other animals on the farm — all because the farm owner is too lazy to do these things himself. But when Farmer Duck finally collapses from exhaustion, sleepy and weepy and tired, his farmyard friends come to the rescue.

簡單英文句子和單字 Sentences and words.
1. The duck lived with a lazy farmer.

2. The duck put the hens in their house.

3. How goes the work?, yelled the farmer.

4. The duck answered: Quack.

5. The poor duck was sleepy and tired.

6. The animals had a meeting.

7. They lifted his bed and he started to shout.

8. He never came back.

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作者 Author : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_...​

書名: Farmer Duck
出版日Publication date :2016/09/01
出版社 Publisher:Walker Books
作者AUTHOR: Martin Waddell
繪者ILLUSTRATOR: Helen Oxenbury
ISBN -13:978-0763693060

片頭和片尾音樂 Beginning and ending music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwPhq...​


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