David William - Giudecca (live acoustic - 28th Aug 2017)

3 years ago

Website: https://davidwilliam.mystrikingly.com

If you are able to, please support my work by buying from Bandcamp rather than the streaming services. Not only is it a fairer deal for me as the artist but you get a download to keep at high quality which is the way my Music is designed to be listened to:


Paypal donations are also appreciated:


Odysee: https://odysee.com/@DavidWilliam:f
Vero: https://vero.co/davidwilliammusic

I was playing in the stairwell on Victoria Street, Edinburgh during the Festival in 2017. One evening a Spanish couple sat and watched, next day they wanted to film me as a gift. It was too dark to film at the spot where I usually played in the stairwell so we shot at the top of the stairs entrance.

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