EP 174: Biohacking Erectile Dysfunction, Plantar Fasciitis, and Cellulite with Dustin Wolff

3 years ago

Dustin Wolff is the owner of The Novus Center, one of the largest sexual wellness centers in North America, and has personally trained countless doctors how to treat their male patients with shockwave therapy for enhanced sexual performance.

He has since gone on to co-found Launch Medical, and is the co-inventor of The Phoenix, the world's first home-use acoustic wave device that works as effectively as the machines used in "wave clinics" around the world.

He's also an air force veteran, a loving father, and is obsessed with the power of good morning routines to optimize health, performance, and longevity.

Learn more at www.GetMyPhoenix.com/biohacks and enter discount code "biohacks" to save.

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