Into The Deep

3 years ago

If God takes you out into the deep water, then He knows you can handle it, because He has equipped you for it. God calls us out into the deep purposefully to teach us to wholly-holy trust Him, our Advocate. I have often found myself here: “God, I feel way over my head, help me!” God purposefully calls us to step out into deep things that are “way above our paygrade” because we have to trust Him, and our faith increases and we do things we never thought we would be able to do and He gets the glory. It may seem impossible to grow through this horrific life season which is upon us, and to walk on the side of truth and justice, when what is right is said to be wrong and what is wrong is said to be right, and evil is celebrated and goodness is punished. (Psalm 42:7-8 Deep called to deep at the noise of your waterfalls; all your massive waves surged over me. By day the LORD commands his faithful love; by night his song is with me—a prayer to the God of my life.) We have to get this…it is not about us; it is not about what we feel or think we can do in this evil dark winter. One thing is for sure, we can’t stay in the shallows of our comfort zone. Because life now, on this day, it is all about God, and His Great God adventure, as we exercise our faith in followship of Him and His Kingdom truth. We are called out into the deep to walk miraculously in followship of God. Deploying our loyal trust and growing through this life season, we kick up God’s Truth, in defiance of deception, splashing authentic kingdom realism wherever we step. Courageously speaking, living and boldly standing with facts, we are shattering the darkness of fake reality with God’s truth and crush false narrative under our feet, as we run the race of faith against the tide of our cancel God culture, and thrive in the victory Christ has already won. Yes, we stand upon the solid Rock of Jesus, the Rock that is higher than serving a power no higher than self, higher than corrupt human supremacy, and a name every knee will bow to, which is greater than all named human authority. We let go of what we want, what we feel, and we dig our life roots deeply in Jesus, our King, and serve His Kingdom first. Standing on the solid Rock of Jesus, anchored in His Truth, the only truth that will stand the tests of these times, WE WILL NOT BE MOVED. Dig Deeper:

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