P365 vs Hellcat vs MAX-9 vs Shield Plus : TTAG Heads-Up

3 years ago

Heads-up comparison of all four micro-compact concealed carry pistols that sport double-digit capacities in their flush-fit magazines. The quadfecta! Let's get to it.

TTAG article: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/heads-up-p365-vs-hellcat-vs-max-9-vs-mp9-shield-plus/

Find these models on Brownells at the following links:

SIG SAUER P365: https://bit.ly/36nNQej
Springfield Hellcat: https://bit.ly/30OZtXI
Ruger MAX-9: https://bit.ly/2PDU6s7
Smith & Wesson M&P9 Shield Plus: https://bit.ly/3e2aUl2

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