America’s Two-Tiered System of Justice

3 years ago


[00:30] Double Standard (30 minutes)

The name of the officer who accidentally shot and killed Daunte Wright while he was resisting arrest was immediately revealed by the propaganda media. Protesters swarmed Officer Kim Potter’s home, forcing her and her husband to flee. Yesterday, it was announced that Potter would be charged with second-degree manslaughter. On the same day, investigators in the January 6 shooting of Ashli Babbitt announced that the mystery officer who shot and killed Babbitt would not be charged. The unarmed Babbitt was guilty of trespassing and was shot dead for it at point-blank range. In America today, some officers make a tragic mistake and there are riots; others intentionally shoot-to-kill an unarmed person, and it’s no problem. Tucker Carlson said last night that when laws aren’t applied equally they become “tools of persecution.”

[31:00] Most Americans Know the 2020 Election Was Stolen (8 minutes)

A recent survey revealed that most Americans believe the 2020 presidential election was stolen by the Democrats. The media know it too, which is why they are so quick to blot out any story exposing the fraud.

[39:38] Bible Study: Living Faith (17 minutes)

In this segment, I review some of the examples of faith outlined in Hebrews 11, the “hall of faith” chapter, and explain how you can develop living faith.

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