Dr Joye Pugh-human cloning, Antichrist, & Shroud of Turin

3 years ago

Amasian Grace Radio

Is human cloning going on right now? Is the Shroud of Turin real or a fake? Is the Antichrist alive now? Dr. Joye Pugh and I explore all these questions in which you can be the judge.

This all ties into Kate Middleton wearing Rosemary's Baby's dress when holding the child. And even a play when she was younger, as her self, speaking of the PRINCE she would marry. A voice in the crowd whispers "The beast" when she mentions William.

Fascinating. Time travel or highly psychic individual?

See https://vigilantcitizen.com/sinistersites/sinister-sites-the-denver-international-airport too. They mention the antichrist, William there too.

Please remember, insane, surreal end times! But, GOD WINS!

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