Repeated patterns of stress and tension

3 years ago

Do you come up against repeated thought patterns that cause you stress and tension and you don't know how to stop it?

You are not alone.

Most of us end up living in what we don’t want to happen.

With a closed heart and mind, because we are stuck in hurt.

In the past, I have focussed on reaching a state of harmony by becoming still and turning into your emotions, like fear and anger…

And I have shown you energy mastering techniques that help you feel expanded and receptive (you can look at some of the replays at You Are The Miracle FM to refresh your memory)

Tonight I want to focus on the mind and how much it stresses our body.

You know, we have a new body every year and its made to perfection.

How amazing would it be if we had a new mind every year…

Or every day..

How fantastic would that be…

Sometimes I catch myself thinking catastrophic or pessimistic thoughts and then I think I am just like my mum...

She died 15 years ago.. she would have been 90 today, so I am thinking thoughts that have been around for 90 years, and she got them from her mum and so on…and they lived through the depression years and the War ll

There is nothing fresh or uplifting about those thoughts.

I am sure you can relate to this..

Today neuroscience shows that we think around 60000 negative thoughts per day, and what’s worse, we never question them, we believe them.

Where do they come from?

Well, according to Byron Katie, our universe is filled with thoughts and it depends on what frequency, or what radio station we are dialed into, as to what kind of thoughts we receive.

So they don’t actually start with us.

We receive them and then we believe them. We think they are ours.

Then we meet other people with the same thoughts, because birds of a feather flock together, or ‘like attracts like’ and that’s the clincher.. we are now convinced that our thoughts are the unquestionable truth.

Even if they are a source of suffering, we buy into that too.

It starts in the morning. We walk around the house waiting for judgments, from hubbie, kids, emails, phone calls... subconsciously we begin the day worrying what we have to defend against today.

Even if the coast is clear, we still trip our happiness up by thinking the same old thoughts.

“Peter is always too busy to listen to me, he is so preoccupied”

“If John loved me he would have rung me by now, so that means I am unlovable.”

“I am too fat… I hate the way I look. If I was slimmer, I would be more successful”

The ego’s (the mind's) job is to kill everything but itself.

Our ego is fearful of unconditional love.

Our ego/mind identifies with the physical world. It is always seeking security, comfort, and pleasure.

And it always feels threatened.

So what's the answer? Is there a way out?

Yes there is, according to Byron Katie (

She has a way of dealing with thoughts that stops suffering and liberates us from pain and stress.

This is what she does… (for the full version, which I encourage you to do this week, download all her free resources here

When you have a stressful thought immediately enquire into it by answering truthfully these 4 questions.

Question 1: is it true?

Q 2 Can you absolutely know it is true?

Q 3 how do you react when you believe that thought?

Q 4 Who would you be without that thought?

Every time you work through those 4 questions, you feel more at peace within yourself and in harmony with the world around you.

You will feel less angry, sad, fearful, depressed, anxious or resentful and feel more kindness, forgiveness, and joy.

Your stress levels will evaporate, and you will rediscover that the world is a magical place because you are starting to live from a place of love and openness.

You look at situations with different eyes. Everything will change because you have changed.

You stop repeating history and start writing your own exciting happy journey.

I hope you enjoyed this session.

Please share in the comments below how your thinking trips you up and how you answer those 4 questions....

If you feel stuck in stress, anxiety or pain, or simply want to uplevel your life, come and see me for private sessions at our facilities or book in for remote healing/coaching sessions here or call me team on 6428 3007.

Much love as always, Grada

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