Are you a James Coates or a Bruno Dey; Legal and Ethical Issues with Canada's SARS-CoV-2 policy.

3 years ago

The highest authority of government in Canada isn't a person or a title or a position, it's a body of law known as Constitutional Law. It encompasses the Canadian Charter and a bunch of other charter law Canada is subject to.

The Federal Government, and all 13 provincial and territorial governments, in Canada are in violation of this law. They're committing illegal acts by enforcing their NPIs (Non Pharmaceutical Interventions - 'Lockdowns').

Are you a collaborator or do you have the moral courage to say 'no'?

Read 'Live not Lies' by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn. Very pertinent to this conversation.
@realcanadianliberal on FB
@RealCanuckLib on Twitter

I can't respond to everyone, but I will aim to engage everyone who participates in the conversation on

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