60th Anniversary of the Hills' Abduction with Kathleen Marden host Mark Eddy

3 years ago

Veteran UFOlogist KATHLEEN MARDEN returns to discuss the publication of her revised and expanded edition of "Captured!" This thorough release is in conjunction with the 60th anniversary of Betty and Barney Hill's abduction case. What happened on their return home from an "impromptu honeymoon?" Their story is the first documented ET abduction. We will learn about missing time, the famous Star Map, the importance of the hypnosis sessions, the powdery substance on Betty's dress and their PTSD. The book also addresses the debunkers' research. Kathleen does not sugar coat her research into her family. This will be an unbiased discussion into what really happened and how this abduction changed the course of UFOlogy. KathleenMardenUFOhttps://www.kathleen-marden.com


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