Brave UK nurse speaks up about the vaccine

3 years ago

Brave UK nurse speaks up about the covid 19 vaccine. As you already know, many people, both regular citizens and those in the medical industry such as doctors and nurses, are constantly being banned on social networks as well as televised programs, or anywhere that would distribute an opposing view. This is not constitutional and simply Un-American!

Doctors and nurses are losing their jobs in growing numbers, just for speaking out against the legitimacy of the Corona virus, it's vaccine, and the current narrative. They are unable to help spread the warnings of the vaccines due to this unprecedented censorship. Why? Why would any platform owner or newschannel CEO, or anyone want to withhold such important information? What are they trying to hide? What is their endgame? Ask yourself these questions. Ask your friends and family. Find out why people are willing to give up their freedom of choice and just do as their told. If nothing else, hopefully it will make them think. That is sometimes all it takes. Think. Research. Do your homework. Do not give up your liberties so easily, or there will not be any left when you're ady and willing fight for them..
People want to help. We are everywhere. Share these videos when you find them. Don't let everything be so one-sided, and followed so blindly. There are lives at stake.
Please help to wake up the masses and stop this government control.
Masks are useless. The "vaccines" are not really vaccines. The lock down is only hurting the little guys like you and me (the big companies are showing HUGE profit increases due to the pandemic). This is a means to crash the economy and make us more dependant on the government for everything, giving them 100% power over every one of us. Stop this insanity and stand up against it.
Okay. Got all that out of my system.... for now. Until next time.... peace ✌

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