Editorial Myth of Aboriginal Deaths in Custody

3 years ago

Editorial Myth of Aboriginal Deaths in Custody

Aboriginal deaths in custody has been a substantial political issue for over thirty years. Press have campaigned for ALP on the issue, raising the issue of deaths in custody under conservative administrations, while giving free passes to ALP over the issue. Kevin Rudd was lauded for 'saying sorry' and for ending the intervention. Kevin Rudd was given a free pass over the Heiner Affair. But with all the mud being thrown, the basic truth that Aboriginal peoples are less likely to die behind bars than anyone else exposes the lie.

Deaths in custody are not common anyway. They shouldn't be. The lie about Aboriginal deaths in custody being the result of Australian racism has claimed lives, like those of TJ Hickie who ran from police who weren't pursuing him and died as a result of an accident. I covered that in my Picking Cotton series.

How many have escaped justice because of the myth of Aboriginal Deaths in Custody? What has been the cost in addressing the non issue? How can we address the naked racism involved in promoting the myth? Should we expect the media who were wrong to apologise for it? Will they say 'sorry?'

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