Why is Joe Biden Attacking African Americans?

3 years ago

Many democrats, including President Biden, are acknowledging the terrible truth of the Major League Baseball boycott of Atlanta – it’s hurting black Americans. With today’s ALG Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen. Biden isn’t backing down from his support of the misguided boycott, but when asked if he supports the masters golf tournament pulling out of Georgia, Biden admitted that African Americans in that state are missing out on an estimated 100 million dollars.

Joe Biden said last week, “There's another side to the other side to it, too, when they in fact, move out of Georgia, the people who need the help the most people making hourly wages, sometimes get hurt the most.”

The president continues to lie about Georgia’s new law. Here are the facts. As voter integrity laws have been enacted in state after state, in two out of the past three presidential elections, all black voter turnout has exceeded white voter turnout in this country. If Republicans are trying to suppress the Black vote, they’re not doing a very good job.


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