Dr. Derek Knauss: "COVID is Fake; Sick Actually Have Influenza "A" or "B""

3 years ago

I’m a Clinical Lab Scientist, COVID-19 Is Fake, Wake Up America!

I have a PhD in virology and immunology.

I’m a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1500 “supposed” positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. California.

When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch’s postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning electron microscope), we found NO Covid in any of the 1500 samples.

What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly Influenza A and some were influenza B, but not a single case of Covid, and we did not use the B.S. PCR test.

We then sent the remainder of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a few of the University of California labs and they found the same results as we did, NO COVID. They found influenza A and B.

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