Who's Gonna Bring the Wagon Back? Climbing from Pandemic

3 years ago

Yesterday, Ralph Northam was talking about launching an investigation into the pepper spray incident involving Lieutenant Caron Nazario and Officer Joe Gutierrez, technically two officers who share Latino descent, raising some questions. And today, he is joined by Mark Herring, but, both, since April last year have been evading service of a summons in a case brought by a retired U.S. Army field grade officer, constituting a conspiracy to violate civil rights, the same charge brought against the slayers of Emmett Till, as well as the slayers of John Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, the Freedom Riders killed and buried by the Klan in Meridien, Mississippi.

The use of the Defense Production Act and the Emergency Use Authorization procedure, as well as every large sample size tracer contacts study, for those who actually understand epidemiology, says that COVID-19 is not an infectious disease, but can only be a biological weapon of terror being deployed, but not even one Republican running for governor brought a case to court, even complained about the ultra vires declaration of a communicable disease of public health threat one month too early, which would have invalidated every single piece of the COVID-19 response Amanda Chase has spent a year whining about in the pandemic that Pete Snyder and Glen Youngkin have chosen to simply ignore.

An old song says, "let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me." Maybe the responsible party is not your neighor.

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