Habitalks - 1 Habit To Win At The Work You Love

3 years ago

Depending on the study, upwards of 70-80% of American workers, and similar percentages around the world, are unhappy in their jobs and disengaged at work. That’s no way to spend one-third of your waking hours.

Are you tired of going to a job that once was your dream job, but now is a nightmare? Does everything about it bother you from the commute to lunch? Are you stripped of your energy and time you would rather use to take care of you, spend with family and friends or on other things that matter to you? There is a better way!

When you take control of your career, you will not only improve your work, you’ll enjoy your life and relationships more.

In 1 Habit for Taking Control of Your Career you’ll learn habits that will move you to doing work on your terms. Whether you work for yourself or someone else, whether your work is full time, part-time, a side hustle or you are a part of the gig economy, 1 Habit for Taking Control of Your Career will help you develop the mindset and attitude that will propel you to:
• Take action
• Increase your confidence
• Take chances on you
• See the possibilities
• Reap better financial rewards

The habits in this book will inspire you find work you love, succeed at what you are doing and enjoy your career on your terms.

If you would like to contribute to this book go to... www.1Habit.com/work

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