The Precarious Natural Right of Liberty in the Failed Nation State of America

3 years ago

I am Laurie Thomas Vass, and this podcast is a copyrighted production of the Citizens Liberty Party News Network, for April 13, 2021. Our podcast is titled, The Precarious Natural Right of Liberty in the Failed Nation State of America: Applying the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms.
We begin our argument that the failed American nation state cannot be rehabilitated, which leaves the natural right of liberty in a precarious, unprotected, condition.
We begin our argument by first reviewing the Patriot’s logic, in 1775, about why war with England was inevitable, because the natural rights of the Patriots were being destroyed by the King.
On July 6, 1775, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms. The Patriot’s logic and circumstances of tyranny, then, are the same as the Trump voters, today, who are called domestic terrorists by the Marxist tyrants.
Back then, the King said that all the Patriots,
“All of them, either by name or description, are rebels and traitors.”

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