Sublime: Compose by me Bruno Giancola (Gib) and played with an orchestre to taste how could work together.. It's to me now yust a kind of vintage Music.. For who may want to hear an who knows may like it

3 years ago

Sublime: comp. by me Bruno Giancola in 1970 and played live with an orchestra as like rehearn to give it a may for a radio in Germany.
I was long the way passing true Germany to arrive in Vien because I was doing concerts at that time and stopped to Munich to get rehearn this brane with an orchestra witch we recorded up to an old tape r bobine recorder tipe but at the end of the day I had to go fast.. because they some people wore Whait hung for me of there .and afther in navy night time live Wien and be able to..go Bach in Switzerland were my group Kron was waiting for me for other concerts in the list.. So I had this bobine with me witch now its just a great remembering of one dayv passed in company with this nice orchestra. Now the music is on Mp3 . I'm sorry about this inconvenient but the music is pretty old.. I give werever you can hear... Sorry.. This was the ages of hippyes and other things was caming on So.. Really nottin
not to mutch to say...about it .. And enyoj the pruve session.if you may like..
. I want just remember that this is kind of vintage music for me.. but I still love to herd it again and over
Thank you anyway..

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