2017-12-26 - Pillars in the Temple - Solomon's Porch - Manchild

3 years ago

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Manchild https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...​ - PLAYLIST: Manchild-Elect-Rulers
King sits on the Throne https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...​ - PLAYLIST: King sits on the Throne
Great White Throne https://youtu.be/qXtrTiv0Si0​ - VIDEO: The Great White Throne Judgment and the First Resurrection Jun 23, 2017
Cyrus Decree https://youtu.be/NexWmOAnww0​ - VIDEO: The Cyrus Decree and Scroll Nov 23, 2017
#Weigh​÷ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… - PLAYLIST: Number #Weigh÷ Divide
The camera battery died but I was about to quote....
Det 32:8 Ask thy elders (12 & 70 disciples), and they will tell thee. When the most High divided to the nations (70 or 72) their inheritance,when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number (12) of the children of Israel. For the Lord's portion is his people;
Q: Leeland, the clearly Divine revelation that you are being given just takes my breath away ...literally ...and I fall into tears at His perfection.
It is the unveiling of His mystery for those who have eyes and ears. Interesting that it is coming when I think on the other hand He is also starting to unveil mystery Babylon.
We have a clear choice. You are such an answer to my own crying out to the Lord .... I know there’s more ... I KNOW it all has meaning ... we too had set up the same tabernacle experience recognizing it as an approach to our King among more insights. So many found it novel as we shared it but couldn’t connect to the deeper meanings and connection I believe he wanted to unveil in further study. Many cannot see or hear what he has given me .... and here you are as a gift in a far away land since August unveiling and building on so much more than I could even think or imagine.
I just stop with tears welling up before you can even finish to cry holy holy holy are you Lord God Almighty! It literally causes me to take a step back as I watch. The perfection we have missed in the name of making religion over into our own understanding is so sad. He must just be heart broken. As a mom of 3 teens I cannot fully research at your level right now so your pulling it all together into these packages ...I’m so grateful for....please know every word is gold to me that you have been uncovering and mining for our use. I look for your next posting as waiting to unwrap the most precious gift of jewels from Him. I hope and pray He brings you to the states soon for a visit.
1? Timing: My confusion has been Ezekiel’s temple and His temple in New Jerusalem. My underlying hunch is this is more supernaturally REAL than we realize. For some reason I have a check about spiritualizing this too much as I’m worried that some like Ian Clayton and other prophetic speakers may be doing. I think He IS really going to do this in physical realms of our being not just spirit realm. Purely spiritual disgregarding a time gets funky for me for some reason; I think the key in it is understanding His calendar and timing ... ie there is a day, there is an hour. Noah really happened one day and so did the Red Sea in real time. They are not fables happening outside of time.
I am stuck though on how does a holy clean set apart Yeshua descend into the current Jerusalem on earth. Or even a destroyed one? A new earth and heaven with Him in it I get. I heard you say Ezekiel’s temple ( people) is the picture of when He is ruling from the earthly Jerusalem.
Do I have that right?Can u illuminate more on this? Rev 20:6 says we reign with him for 1,000 years... but it does not say where. Are you able to piece this together yet?
2 Peter 3:8 says do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as 1,000 years, and a1,000 years as one day. I’m still trying to sequence all of this. I’m in agreement and tracking you ....that there are two groups: the elect are called up ( I kept seeing this but messianics kept disagreeing so I was so glad to find you and get Enoch calendar!).... they are spared the hour of testing ...then the great multitude that lives without taking mark goes thru great tribulation and comes out of it at about 7th trumpet on your diagram.
That all makes sense to me. then the wrath of 7 bowls ...and any further people in His patience who choose to acknowledge him without taking Mark of beast who died are all then resurrected — and all form His bride? - when he comes back with His bride (armies in white?) ....to earth?????for 1,000 years? ... those who died knowing him are resurrected here in rev 20:4 to rule and reign with him ... first is last and last is first 😉.
So then if this event — return, first resurrection, and reign — are on earth ...One or 1,00O days ... IS this what u are saying then may also be one in the same white throne judgement at the same time?? I was thinking it is also new Jerusalem? But are u saying Ezekiel’s temple is on earth for 1,000 years or one day and then it all passes away into new Jerusalem after that judgement process. Like court dates?? 🙂 If u don’t know yet that’s fine. I know it’s revelation in a process of being unveiled. That’s what I’m understanding now, but welcome any clarifications. I’m just seeking to understand to share accurately.
I pray He gives you a sequence picture graphic of all this. You have been given such a gift! May He bless you abundantly for digging into the laborious but delightful details! I love studying it all on sabbath! Off to prepare dinner!🙂
A: Wow! Praise God! I love posts like this! Keep in mind I'm typing with one finger on a tablet so it would take me all day to give a long reply.
I can tell you many examples like this one of being at a specific place in time to receive revelations.
Moses Tabernacle https://youtu.be/l1mgdXltHtg is in direct proportion to the ark of the covenant which is 2.5 x 1.5, the tent being 5 x 3.
I learned about the revelation of Esther just before Purim in a cabin in North Carolina with address 3121 which relates to angel Abgatha in Est 1. And many other pictures relating to messages at the bed & breakfast in South Africa. I'm studying and then my eyes are opened to the message in the room or place I'm in. If you pay attention you can see these confirmations in the videos.
Ok regarding Ezekiel’s Temple, yes its set up for the 1000 year reign of Christ afterwards is New Jerusalem. This is very important and no one seems to understand. I've put together a Playlist on the Book of Ezekiel with many messages on this temple: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXqaGD7sX9gbOlO0IEi-gWioldqwe1KZ_ - PLAYLIST: Book of Ezekiel
Ok will do a message on the parallels of Ezekiel’s Temple and New Jerusalem. Think of it as small before large, Moses Tabernacle before the First Temple, Ezekiel’s Temple before New Jerusalem.
Yes at the end of 6 days of 1000 year days the Apocalypse transitions to a new era. The shift will be more dramatic than the old covenant into the new, very few are aware or even prepared for this. Pre-trib rapture doctrine makes it seem multitudes leave staying in heaven for all eternity. Not so, He created the Earth to be inhabited.
The army on white horses that return with the Lord, I'm not certain exactly who they are aside from what's described in 2 The 1:4-10.
I've found 7 camps within the great army as seen in message "Great Army Census."
Yes, as seen by Solomon's Great Ivory Throne judgement seat, the Great White Throne Judgment is before the 1000 year Millennial reign, not after: https://youtu.be/qXtrTiv0Si0 - VIDEO: The Great White Throne Judgment and the First Resurrection Jun 23, 2017
This is called the First Resurrection.
So therefore the 7th day is the Great Sabbath of the 7000 years.
Ezekiel’s Temple has never been built, the Jews will act like they're building it but it's the false temple for the Beast. Plus they don't have enough room for Ezekiel’s Temple. The wicked will perish, the Manchild will purge the land of wickedness building Ezekiel’s Temple dividing the land for the inheritance of the True 12 Tribes of Israel.
If the King's Timeline holds true, the 20th year construction starts on the True Temple, 2030 ad, 6119 from Adam.
Q: I asked what was my God given name and I heard Lisa! Now I ask how do I use my God given name? Do I use it in prayer? How am I to use it or address it... Thank You!
A: Answer when you're called
C - comment; R - response; Q - question; A - answer

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