2016-04-08 ● My role as officer before throne to gather the Virgins to Shushan! Esters Preparation

3 years ago

GO TO '144,000' PLAYLIST TO WATCH 1ST VIDEO IN SERIES (2015-07-08 ● RUN TO MEET HIM, Wise Virgins see Star of Bethlehem)
GO TO '6TH SEAL' PLAYLIST TO WATCH 2ND VIDEO IN SERIES (2015-07-20 ● Watch & Pray Orders - 6th Seal Fire & Brimstone)
GO TO '144000' PLAYLIST TO WATCH 3RD VIDEO IN SERIES (2015-07-03 ● Song of Solomon First 4 Chapters during 7 Seals)
GO TO '144000' PLAYLIST TO WATCH 4TH VIDEO IN SERIES (2015-07-02 ● 24 Ornaments, Esther makes Herself Ready!)
GO TO 'LAMB REIGNS 1260 DAYS' PLAYLIST TO WATCH 5TH VIDEO IN SERIES (2016-03-31 ● Esters Year of Preperation, Ready Lamb reigns 1260 days Pt5)
C: Hi Leeland, This is wonderful news that you are going into detail about Esters Preparation. I will be on the look out for that link. I have watched many, many of your video's and I am reading along in the bible and the Book of Enoch, as well as studying your charts. Thank you for giving your time to witness and educate us.
R: ...that's fantastic you're following along. Read Mat 24 and Rev 4- 7 as well. This is very exciting news. Im back in the northeast, let me tell you, it's freezing up here. I've gone back like 2 months from NC. It's grey, overcast, rain mixed with sleet and 37 degrees. That's new england for ya.
I got my backpack and hammock/sleeping bag now so I'm getting ready to go like you guys.
In these videos, the 2 witnesses was in Uwharrie and the others South Mountains. I recorded "importance of Enoch calendar" that was that site in Linville. I was there first setting up the Moses tabernacle.
Keep posted, more is coming soon. Leeland
C: I am your thousandth viewer of this video. Leeland, I just found you in the last few months. 3 1/2 years ago I was shown by the Lord that there were two Sheepfolds, the Lessor and the Greater. That the 144,000, the First Fruits would be separated, marked, and given wings to escape what the Greater Sheepfold would have to endure on earth. From there we may part on some things, I am not sure yet as I have not been your best student, I ask your forgiveness. As I have come to trust you as God's fellow servant I am opening myself more and more to your teachings as I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me through your videos. But really I am just getting started. I have a few questions that I'm sure I will find as I get deeper into the videos, but my heart aches to know....Have the 144,000 lifted, and when did they lift, and where are they? I have been teaching the following and just want to know your thoughts.
From my own experience I feel we lifted sometime -months, years maybe, before Jan 2017. That through dark means we were steered off course to our destination and ended up in a false mirror image of earth. And that most, if not all of us, are being allowed by the Lord to remain here in exile while we grow into the First Fruits that Jesus can proudly proclaim as His Reward. That we are supernaturally being protected by the Lord Himself within a spiritual sheepfold and that the Lord will come in the very last second for our sake to rescue us. I believe that this dark place is the end time Bozrah and that it will be the first place Jesus returns to when he comes. He destroys Bozrah and returns to Earth with us, His Reward. My husband and sister also believe we have been exiled on this dark place. We do not believe we are on Earth at all. And neither do Tens of Thousands if you include all the Mandela Effected who believe we're in a dark place and basically kidnapped. Could it be that when you left the Throne Room that you came HERE to minister to us? Because we were not ready. BTW, our departures....all of our memories around our departures are incredibly blurry and none of us remember the journey...just waking up suddenly one day and realizing you weren't home anymore. It was very traumatic for all of us. There are others that claim to be like us, but they are very dark and counterfeit.
Thank you Leeland, for everything. For being my Teacher. For being my Brother in Christ. Thank you for being obedient to the charges given you. I will continue to watch as many videos as I can to show myself approved and to confirm and enlighten my spirit. If I am convicted by the Holy Spirit that I need to change anything on my channel I will follow the Spirit's lead with an open heart.
Bless you Teacher
R: The palace is called Shushan, same as your name. It's hard to understand who is where. Some in Rev 4:1, others in Rev 12:5.
Jn 10:1 He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold - this word is Sheep Palace in Greek aulē.
2 But he that entereth in by the Door (Rev 3:20) is the Shepherd of the sheep.
3 To him the Porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by (new) name, and leadeth them out.
9 and shall go in and out (of heaven), and find pasture.
Jn 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place (hetoimazō topos same words in Rev 12:6) for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the Way ye know
C: Bless you Ben Adam. I am so encouraged by your words and personal scripture teachings. I am looking forward to study them with all my heart a bit later today. … Glory be to God in the Highest!!!
R: Many of the messages from from being "in the Spirit" or heavenly places but I've instructed to share the scriptures. However here we go over the basics of the courts: https://youtu.be/L8W8XhKdUvY - VIDEO: Standing in the Courts of Heaven Jul 24, 2019
I think you'll also like the Garden of Eden Playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXqaGD7sX9gaSr8EHrjwmYelxEtBjY0kV - PLAYLIST: Garden of Eden
C: I wouldn't post these things directly on YT, but I don't know of a better place for discussion and fellowship. Hope you are well in the Name of His Son.
R: Thanks for following. I know this channel has a lot of information, that why ive organized the topics into "books" you can read and study. The best thing I can say is give thanks every morning and evening and spend time in the garden: https://youtu.be/8CQvze2TYHM - VIDEO: Daily Time with the Lord in the Garden - Esthers Preparation Sep 25, 2016
Also, regarding Esthers Preperation, the calendar and "getting ready" please watch this message: https://youtu.be/ZZ4_ge4x8cM - VIDEO: New Sabbath Pattern - Smyrna and Philadelphia, Esthers Preperation Sep 4, 2016
Q: You are an awesome teacher.....I was told in a dream that I have a mission to "serve and protect the people." Do you think it's possible that angels can be born in the flesh? I am not saying that I am an angel. I have had others tell me that they were angels. I wanted to know your thoughts on this subject. I believe it could be possible, but I don't find it in scripture, so I tend not to believe it as truth. I have also had a dream a year ago regarding 2 raptures. In my dream, I was shown that the one's that were spiritually ready would go first( 5 wise virgins), and the (5 foolish) one's , would be raptured another time.
A: No, what's born of flesh is flesh.
We were never meant to die, like the angels.
The physical make of angels bodies differ from human.
Careful of people exalting their status in any way, trouble awakes. The 144k are men that are angels in the sense that the roles as messages is one.
Heaven is removed as a scroll during 6th seal. Meaning as spiritual rapture of sorts but there are 2 people groups and thus to bodily raptures. See video on 2 raptures
Q: Hey, Leeland!
So, I think I hear some of what you are saying. I think also the Lord has sent someone in my life to help disciple me. He doesn't keep the Sabbath and would probably be affronted by calendar keeping, but would agree in many ways with you.
I guess the nature of my comment is this: What does one do if he/she is behind the curve? I am having a hard time watching all your videos because I need things really boiled down. To me, your mesage is, "Jesus is coming soon. Repent." But also you talk a lot about the calendar which is a strong interest of mine, but I don't want to learn knowledge and neglect love, and I feel I struggle most in love - selfishness, pride, and outbursts of anger.
And so this is where the person discipling comes in because he is focused on being constantly in prayer for other people for salvation and if they are saved, for sanctification, and he focuses on confessing personal faults, and just developing a meek and humble spirit and not walking with the world. But he wouldn't profess a Sabbath or Biblical holy days (actually, he believes every day is holy and it's alright to work bc you're not working with man as your boss but for Christ), and he also doesn't honor the traditions of men in terms of holy days. So, I think he is correct, but I also thibk there is a Biblical calendar. Both seem reasonable - discovering the calendar seems very mysterious and intruiging, but the Father's heart I think is for us to grow in love most importantly.
Now, I am not deceived in that I am not looking for an instructor other than Christ, but as you say in your video, the Lord is getting my attention.
Something the Lord said about the Sabbath: "You thought the Sabbath was the seventh, but it's actually the sixth." And He had my husband (for I post on my husband's account bc we share and I don't log in and out) read the message to the sixth church in Revelation, Philadelphia.
We didn't come to a hard interpretation, but it sticks with me "the city of brotherly love." Is this the Sabbath? It just resonates like the same note being struck inside my head again and again. The Sabbath...the city of brotherly love...the sabbath...the city of brotherly love.
To sum, (1) Is your message all about Christ, and by extension all about TRUE (not worldly) love? (2) Is it better to not know the calendar and to be doing the things of God? - If you had to pick, wouldn't you be "safe" if you are focused on honoring the Lord and loving and developing Christ-like traits with a real sense of urgency and repentant heart? (3) How does one catch up? I feel like I need to watch all your videos and take notes, but I also feel like I can catch up more quickly than that somehow. (4) What is the Lord showing you about the Sabbath? When and how are you keeping it? I would like to keep a weekly Sabbath, but we stopped because of calendar concerns and the Lord having us keep the Saabath on Monday for a long time last year. I also don't want to be dogmatic for the sake of pride about when the Sabbath is. We keep praying, and, again, the Lord has just kind of told my husband that he's not ready to know, and then finally, the word about the sixth and the message to Philadelphia. I've had dreams about the Sabbath and they all seem to encourage it, but then, their tone may indicate just staying in this constant state of readiness and preparation versus tending to idleness and disregard for the King.
A: Hello, question, what is it to repent?
What is love? Can love be measured?
Dont assume you know the answer to these questions.
You can not obtain righteousness by religious practice or observance but by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
If I were to answer these questions, we'd be back in the same pagan practice of going to "the man of God" instead of going to the Lord directly. You have to be taught by Zion, Esther is in the palace at Shushan preparing for the King. Can her love be measured? Yes. She, from her love produces myrrh and sweet odours. Like the incense in the temple, its measureable.
There are 7 sabbaths I've found and kept, but I do so out of love.
Some ive found only through the calendar.
Should we not love the greatest event in all of human history, the Revelation, Revealing of the King of Kings and Lord of Lord?
All else is pointless
Q: Hey leeland curious if you have done a study on the 7000 elect? 1 Kings 19:18 Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him. Romans 11:4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.
A: Great question, certainly there is significance to the figures but let's not assume 7000 are "elect."
Maybe Elijah is elect and 7000 simply haven't bowed to baal. In which case there is only 1 elect per 7000.
Let's also consider the church at Thytira in that it had Jezebeel just like kings 19. There were those, "the rest in Thyatira", the Lord said "as many as have not this doctrine which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden."
Both they either didn't bow or didn't hold the doctrine.
But they also didn't defeat Jezebeel, Elijah did. Maybe the elect defeat the harlot(s) so as to be "virgins not defiled by women," Rev 14:4
C: Yes there must be a significance in the number the context of those two verses led me to believe that they were part of the predestined election but that may not be the case thanks for the insight Ill keep searching
R: I got you comment notice but it's not appearing in the video for some reason.
"curious if you have found a place for your pentacost watch in these new revelations?"
I'd keep the feasts during this time period as normal. I'd watch in Pentecost in practice for the days of awe. These would 24 days between Esters year completed and the day of atonement. We should always be in a watchful state.
If you watch the vid on 50th day, week year, that would happen again this year.
C - comment; R - response; Q - question; A - answer

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