2016-08-20 ● Let's talk Esthers Feast, preparing with Spices, Year of Preparation

3 years ago

Guys, I'm not asking for money, just sharing the Lord's faithfulness to those that commit their trust in Him.
Cumin see this message https://youtu.be/EhsJ-Q6qn5E - VIDEO: Mystery of the 3rd Seal Horse Rider Offering Jan 1, 2016
Ezekiel diet https://youtu.be/BJ4xFBC15jQ - VIDEO: Ezekiel 4, the City, the Wall, 390 days for Israel, 40 for Judah, the Bread by weight May 30, 2016
Offering at His Temple https://youtu.be/h2JY3Le_A9k - VIDEO: New Jerusalem Wall 12 Gates, 2 Pillars and House of David May 29, 2016
Esthers Preperation Notes pg 3 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10PyTdVzyUI8WeclwjfMwaNAsGwLDaFgz - GOOGLE DRIVE: Calendar - Timelines - Lamb1260 pg 3 - Esthers Year Preparation
C: Hi Leeland, it is very humbling being poor but I think the Lord puts His people through this test because one day they will be rulers over many - and if they don't understand the plight of the poor through personal experience they will have no empathy for their subjects. That's why Joseph was put in the prison and then after that preparation God made him Prime Minister of Egypt. I praise the Lord for your beautiful message and if ever the Lord blesses me with a little extra I will send it your way - please let me know how. May God Bless You Greatly.
R: Yes, being poor, being rejected and hated is part of the disciplining. Also if you receive revelation, persecution and betrayal will follow.
C: ha..the 3 C'S... poor in flesh rich in spirit. Baruch!
R: Make me of a contrite heart O God. Careful what you ask for, lol
C - comment; R - response; Q - question; A - answer

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