2016-02-22 ● Lamb Reigns 1260 days! Amazing link in Esther 1, 2 with Rev 4, 5!

3 years ago

Review of Timeline, Esthers Year: https://youtu.be/5jCt2wQvOs4 - VIDEO: Review of Kings Timeline, Esthers year and calendar - Lamb 1260 Pt12 Jul 1, 2016
To recap, in this pattern the mystery is that all the people had a feast 7 days. This is not a 24 hour period but a 180 day period and the 7th in a cycle completing 3.5 years. This lines up directly with revelation chapter 5, 10k by 10k angels.
Then the King's wrath is 2.5 years which are 180 day intervals directly lining up with Seals 1 - 5. Ester is prepared in year 6 which is Seal 6. The 6th Seal lasts a year because the 7th is only a 1/2 hour. She is brought before the King in year 7. Year 8 begins the 7 year Great Tribulation.
Please get the Notes on pages 4 and 5 for this message https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10PyTdVzyUI8WeclwjfMwaNAsGwLDaFgz - GOOGLE DRIVE: Calendar-Timeline - RevelationTimeline pgs 3,4,5
Pdf for file Lamb reigns 1260 days https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10PyTdVzyUI8WeclwjfMwaNAsGwLDaFgz - GOOGLE DRIVE: Calendar-Timelines - Lamb 1260
C: I need to study this a bit ..very complex for my little mind.
R: I don't think I could ever attempt such a thing, unless you like stick figures. One of my roles is to draw time, thus the clocks and calendars.
Hope you understand this, later I do show where exactly we are, 5th seal. Notice all the "terrorism" since the end of March? Souls under the alter are crying for justice.
C: YES!! Indeed we are crying out for justice...I just hate all that is going on in the world now.
(I have never been geographical but Yah has made sure I have gotten many geographical messages and visions.lol) So I understand that he has you doing the timeline clocks and calendars. shalom
R: Well, to help understand this message, I have now hand written notes.
It's very important to get this, the King sat on the Throne but no one seems to CARE!
We are about to enter 3/4 point in Esthers Year of Preparation.
See pages 4 and 5
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10PyTdVzyUI8WeclwjfMwaNAsGwLDaFgz - GOOGLE DRIVE: Calendar-Timelines - RevelationTimeline pgs 3-5
C: I just found your channel and I have had many dreams that I frankly didn't understand like when you mentioned the Star of Bethlehem. ....I keep getting the wise men coming from the east...I don't totally get it but I know they come from the direction of God's glory....
R: Esther and the wise men are the same. Esther means star, wise men follow the star. Esther had 6 mons myrrh 6 mons sweet odors, wise men brought frankincense and myrrh. Esther prepares for the King, the wise men look for the King.
Q: thanks for the video whats your take on 9/23/2017 and REV 12 ?
A: From Daniels Timeline, I believe that day starts the trumpets. Def watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmukNE4qChk - VIDEO: Tribulation started Sept 22nd 2017 from Daniel's Timeline Jul 29, 2015
C: Also the 180 days in the book of Esther I think of it as signifying a change in direction. ...So it would make since that Vashti represents the harlot....
R: Yes. Completion of the 180 days began the 4 blood moons.
Thanks for subscribing. I encourage you to watch the Lamb reigns 1260 days playlist. Also I help people with dream interpretation as well. Much can be understood by having the basics of Bible prophecy.
C: You are on target Leeland, 2 Thess 2 speaks of an apostasy and in Greek the word for divorce is apostasian. In other words, the great apostasy as it is called, is in reality the putting away of a false wife, one who refuses to submit to the will and law of her rightful husband. I am approaching the ten minute mark of your video, perhaps you know this already. Many are attempting to use this verse (3) to claim a 'radical departure' meaning a rapture. They could not be more deceived, again, the subject matter of the same chapter. 180 degrees out of phase. Also the 'restrainer' in context, by pronoun agreement, is the same 'man of sin' 'son of perdition' and it is truth that has been restrained until he can no longer restrain it. This opposite of saying the restrainer is the Holy Spirit and it is sin being restrained. The common understanding is backwards, and those who embrace it, deceived. Notice the 180 is a phase reversal, it takes that long to repent, metanoia, get a new perspective.
R: Thank you for this comment. Yes, I believe this "departing" spoken of in 1 Tim 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall Depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils
This is in fact the divorce or Bill of the divorce of Vashti Est 1:19, Isa 50:1, Jer 3:8
As you said Stongs g0647. ἀποστάσιον apostasion; properly, something separative, i.e. (specially) divorce: — (writing of) divorcement is from a derivative of Strongs g868;
g0868. ἀφίστημι aphistēmi; from 575 and 2476; to remove, i.e. (actively) instigate to revolt; usually (reflexively) to desist, desert, etc.: — depart, draw (fall) away, refrain, withdraw
Also used in Luk 13:27 He shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity
We are all guilty of refusing the King's Command: https://youtu.be/MYAvITVirPU - VIDEO: YOU refused the Kings Command! Lamb reigns 1260 days Pt4 Mar 31, 2016
C - comment; R - response; Q - question; A - answer

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