How I Trained My Cat !!!!

3 years ago

Training cats is very different from the training techniques used to train dogs Cat will rarely do anything simply to please their owners, especially if there is nothing in it for them or they simply do not feel like complying at the time the request or commands are given The Basics On Cat Training Some owners use tactics such as spraying with water misters, loud shakers or any startling noise to show disapproval for certain behavioral traits. In some instances these methods work very well, while in others it seems to create confusion and fear in the cat as it does not really understand what the owner is unhappy about. This is even more complicated when the cat associates these actions with play as some cats do actually enjoy being sprayed with water, thus the initial reason for implementing such corrective measures does not really seem to work at all. Other methods that can be used to make the cat understand its negative actions would be to use a stern and commanding voice, to show disapproval when a particular undesirable actions is being committed by the cat. In most cases, this has proven to be very effective and certainly deters the cat from the action, even if it for a short time. Most experts would agree that using physical negative behaviors such as hitting the cat will not be beneficial to the animal and will also cause the animal to fear the owner. Physical beatings will also cause the cat to undergo behavioral changes which will eventually create a lot of stress and other misbehavior patterns.

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