How To Teach A Child To Read - In Two Weeks

3 years ago

Formula That Enables Any Parent To Set The Foundation For Their Child To Achieve Reading Success

Most children develop the skill of reading by the age of 7. Others however, may be more efficient and start reading easier passages at the age of around 5 or even younger.

It is of prime importance to understand that before your child is going to be able to read, he has to learn how the sounds in different words work. It is imperative for them to learn that each word is made out of certain sounds which are commonly known as the phonemes. Recognizing these phonemes and separating them from one another is the very fundamental skill that is to be developed in your child in order to make him learn to read.

There is no argument over the fact that phonemic awareness is a widely used term when it comes to learning to read. However, as a teacher or a parent who is looking forward to teach his child to read, it is indispensable for you to be able to understand that phonics and phonemic awareness does not mean the same.

In order to give you a better idea
It may be of value for you to know that synthetic phonics and phonemic awareness skills development techniques are considered to be the most effective when it comes to question how to teach a child to read. An appropriate utilization of the aforementioned technique is bound to bring the best and the most efficient results for you.

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