Trauma Based Mind Control ( poem by Patriotic Poet )

3 years ago


The facts don’t really matter
officials are truthful,
just be compliant
believing our bull.

Feed on propaganda
they’ll feed your fears,
disregard logic
for the rest of your years.

Do as we say
shut up and listen,
main stream “information”
default by omission.

Socially distance,
wear a mask,
is that really necessary
is what you should ask.

Self imprisonment
get the jab,
even thus
you could lie on a slab.

You still could get sick
no guarantees they say,
get shot every year
new “variants” each day.

“Adverse effects” are “normal”
a bold face lie,
while some may get sick
and others might die.

Do as I say
not as I do,
what’s good for me
is not good for you.

Patriotic Poet

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