Prince Harry tries to guilt trip the public into not criticizing him! If you hate criticism SHUT UP!

3 years ago

Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex has left his official role within the Royal Family and moved with his wife Meghan Markle to the United States because they claim they wanted privacy and avoid criticism. Yet lately they have been doing high profile interviews and doing everything to get back into the public role AKA having their cake and eating it too! If you are a private individual living your daily life no one with any sense will bother with you, but if you are going to sign deals with Netflix, go on Oprah etc be prepared for negative press as well as positive press! It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH! Prince Harry is trying to use his Mother's death and his Mental Illness into guilt tripping everyone into criticizing him. In this era where the New World Order is using cancel culture Prince Harry is playing a very dangerous game and trying to hype up the Main Stream media into censoring people who criticize him! #PrinceHarry​ #MeghanMarkle​ #AranaNation​

Link to the article where the NHS warns people who have allergic reactions to NOT take the virus and that two of the first people in the West who took the vaccine suffered adverse effects from it! Read the information before the New World Order censors it!:

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